Feeney Family Tree on the Web

The author's tree will be published here soon. In the mean time you may access the following Feeney branches:
Máirín Moore's Tree
» Feeney's from Spiddal, Co. Galway, Ireland who emigrated to Maryland area.
Surnames in this tree: Bailey | Bennett | Day | Doyle | Fawley | Feeney | Hagarty | Hinkle | Kincaid | MacCabe | Mullenix | Smyth | Wright -
Descendants of Andrew Feeney
» Im. Balygar, Co. Galway, Ireland to Chickasaw Co., Iowa, 1865.
Surnames in this tree: Beecher | Brannon | Cooney | Daly | Edel | Feeney | Gales | Hakes | Harzen | Hoeger | Jacobs | Knapp | Melloy | Murphy | Ott | O'Sullivan | Tierney -
Descendants of Peter Feeney
» Circa 1831-1881, born in Ireland, died in Wisconsin. Married Mary Walsh, also from Ireland.
Surnames in this tree: Doran | Feeney | Rachford, Rochford, Ratchford | Welsh, Walsh | White -
Thomas Feeney
» b. 1849 to John Feeney in Birmingham, England
Surnames in this tree: Bowen | Feeney, Fienney | Guggiarie | Hickebottom | Hughes | Onions | Parker | Walkley -
Al Feeney's Tree (See Famous Feeney's)
Sent in by Mary Jo Elpers:1. PATRICK FEENEY, born 1830, County Mayo, Ireland [one of his descendants, Mary Virginia Feeney, said he was from County Mayo, but so far there is no proof]. Emigrated from Ireland to United States about 1850. Settled in Albany, New York. Married Maria Lyons about 1855. They moved to Paris, Bourbon County, Kentucky between 1858 and 1860. Patrick died during the Civil War, about 1863. Children of Patrick and Maria Lyons Feeney:
i. JENNIE FEENEY, born Albany, New York, about 1856. Married Harry Metzger in Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana in 1886. She died in Indianapolis in 1912. They had the following children:
i. GERTRUDE METZGER, born 1887 in Indianapolis, Indiana. Died in Indianapolis in 1965.
ii. FRANK METZGER, born 1889 in Indianapolis, Indiana. Died in Sarasota, Florida, in 1971.
iii. HARRY METZGER, born 1894 in Indianapolis, Indiana. He married Marie Gasper in 1937. He died in 1962 in Indianapolis.
ii. GEORGE FEENEY, born in Albany, New York about 1858. Married Mary Conner in Indianapolis, Indiana, in 1890. Died in Indianapolis in 1919. They had the following children, all born in Indianapolis, Indiana:
i. ALBERT G. FEENEY, born in 1890. He was Mayor of Indianapolis, Indiana in the 1940s. He died in Indianapolis in 1950 while still in office.
ii. LORETTA FEENEY, born 1893. She married Eugene O. Marquette in Indianapolis.
iii. FRANCIS FEENEY, born 1899. Married Marjorie Goode in 1926. She died in Indianapolis in 1970.
iv. MARY VIRGINIA FEENEY, born 1908. She died in Indianapolis in 1988.
iii. JOHN FEENEY, born in Kentucky about 1860. Nothing more is known about him, and he probably died during childhood.
Howard and Celeste Feeney
of Wilmington, Delaware. Sent in by Christi Feeney:Howard Feeney m. Celeste. Six children:
Donald Feeney m. Doris. They reside in Phoenix, AZ.
Chet Feeney
Nancy Feeney m. Larry Farrell. Nancy has passed away but the family still resides in Virginia.
Michael Farrell
Margaret Farrell
Peter Feeney m. Loretta. They reside in Lewes, DE.
Claire Feeney m. Unknown Day. They reside in Northern GA.
Lisa Day m. Unknown Howard
William Howard
Cathy Day
Jeff Day
Susan Feeney m. Unknown Normand. They reside in DE.
Jennifer Normand
Matthew Normand
Michael Patrick Feeney m. Suzanne Daub of Atlanta, GA.
Joseph Daub Feeney m. Christi Dickson
Catherine Dickson Feeney
Daniel Patrick Feeney m. Julie Davis
Nora Danielle Feeney
Emory Addison Feeney
Megan Eileen Feeney m. Gary Johnson
Brianna Danielle Johnson
Michaela Grace Johnson
Feeney, Feeny - McNamara - Colleary Tree
From Cooga, Easky, Co. Sligo. Sent in by Denise Rickard and Sean Feeney:Patrick Feeney (b. ca. 1821) m. Marie/Maria McNamara (b. ca. 1825) likely related to William McNamara.
Patrick Feeney (1846-1911) m. Mary Ann(e) Colleary (1858-1935) dau. of Peter Colleary.
Agnes(e) Mary Feeney, baptized 10 Jan. 1880 at Easky Parish. d. 1943
Joseph Thomas Feeney (1881-1939) m. in NYC to Katherine Clark (1891-1950). Joseph immigrated to New York, NY in 1905. Katherine Clark in 1913.
Mary P. Feeney (1920-2002) m. Dennis J. Donovan (1918-1997)
Edward Peter Feeney (1883-1925). Stayed in Ireland and had 7 children.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Anna Feeney b. ca. 1888
Mary Emma Feeney b. ca. 1890, went on to be a nun
Michael J. Feeney (1892-1978), went on to be a priest. This is likely the Fr. Michael Feeney buried at St. James Church in Easky.
Joe and Seamus Feeney's tree
» Still living near Easky in Co. Sligo, Ireland.
Surnames in this tree: Culkin | Feeney | Kilcawley | Murray | Stenson
Author's Geni Tree
If you can trace your Feeney roots back to Co. Sligo, Ireland, I should be able to figure out how you're related and send you an invitation to the family Geni tree. The following Sligo families are in the tree:
Easky, Easkey Parish: Connelly, Connolly | Feeny, Feeney | Gibson | Hagarty, Haggerty | Kennedy | Lindsay | Murray | Rooney | Tuffy
Irish-American Emigrants Branch Married Names: Cullen | Costello | Drake
*Note: American Emigrants settled in and around New Jersey.
Irish-English Emigrants Branch Married Names: Brady | Daniels
*Note: English Emigrants settled in and around London.
Misc. Married Names: Barrett | Burns | Doherty | McNamara | McNulty | Scott
*Note: May live in Ireland or England.
Contact me to get into the Geni tree. If you already have a Geni tree of your own, you can search these surnames directly.
Uí Fiachrach Genealogy
Bold print indicates Kings of Connacht, + indicates wives, italic indicates High Kings of Ireland.
Érimón (aka Eochaidh the Heremon, Eremon, Éremón, Héremón, Éireamhón) +Tamar-Telphi (aka Tea-Tephi, Tea) | | Íriel Fáid ("the prophet", aka Iarel Faith, Irial Fáid, Iriel Fáith) | | Ethriel (aka Ethrel) | | Follach | | Tigernmas | | Senboth | | Smirgoll | | Fiachu Labraind | | Oengus Olmuccaid | | Moen | | Rothechtaid Rigderg | | Dian | | Sirna Sirsaeglach | | Ailill Oalchlaen | | Giallchad | | Nuadu Find Fail | | Aedan Glas | | Simon Brecc | | Muiredach Bolgach | | Fiachu Tolgrach | | Duach Laidrach (aka Dui Ladrach) | | Eochaid Buadach | | Ugaine Mor | | Cobthach Coelbreg | | Meilge | | Irero Gleofathach | | Condla Caem | | Ailill Casfiaclach | | Eochaid Altlethan | | Laebchor | | Fer Almaich** | | Fer Anaraith | | Fer Raith | | Fer Cetharraid | | Oengus Tuirmech | | Enna Aignech | | Labraid Lorc | | Blathachta | | Essamain Emna | | Rogen Ruad | | Finn Loch (aka Findloch) | | Finn (aka Find) +Be-Boindia | |___________________________________________________________________ | | Eochu Feidlech (aka Eochaid Feidlech, "the enduring") Eochu Airem | _______________________|_________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | | Finn Emna (the three Finns of Emain) Medb (Queen of Connacht) Clothra Eithne Mugain | | Lugaid Riab nDerg | | Crimthann Nia Náir | | Feradach Finnfechtnach | | Fíachu Finnolach | | Tuathal Teachtmhar | | Fedlimid Rechtmar | | Conn Céchathach (Conn of the Hundred Battles) | | Art mac Cuinn (Art Óenfer - The Loner) | | Cormac mac Airt +Eithne Ollamda | | Cairbre Lifechair (Lover of the Liffey, aka Corpre) +Aine | | Fíacha Sroiptine (aka Fiachu Sraibtine, Legend says he was overthrown by the three Collas*) | | Muiredach Tirech (Legend says he exiled the three Collas*) | | Eochaid Mugmedon (Slave Lord) +Mongfind +Cairenn | | _________|_________ | | | | | | | | | Brion Fiachrae Ailill Niall Nóigiallach, died c.450*. | (Uí Néill) _________|_______________________ | | | | | | Amalgaid Nath Í Macc Ercae | ___________________|_____________________ | | | | | | Fiachnae Ailill Molt, d.482. Echu | | | | (Uí Fiachrach Muaidhe) (Uí Fiachrach Aidhne)
Uí Fiachrach Muaidhe
Fiachnae | | Elgach | | Maeldubh | | Tipraite | | Dunchad Muirisci | |_______________________________________________ | | | | | | Indrechtach, d.707. mac Dunchad Ailill | | | | | | Ailill Medraige, d.764. Tipraite, d.719 Cathal | | | | Cathal, d.816. Donn Cothaid, d.787.
Uí Fiachrach Aidhne
Echu | | Eogan | | Conall | |____________ | | | | Gabran Goibnenn, fl. 538. | | Cobthach | | Colman, d. 622. | |_____________________________________ | | | | Laidgnen/Loingsech, d. 655. Guaire Aidne, d. 663. | ____________________________________| | | | | Muirchertach Nar, d.668. Artgal | | Fergal Aidne, d. 696.*In Irish Kings and High Kings (Dublin, 1973), John Francis Byrne prefers a much earlier date for Niall's death and also suggests the Three Collas never existed.
**The four Fer names may rightly be variants of one generation - i.e. the same person - but they are listed seperately in CGH.
Comparet, Bertrand L. "The Stone of Destiny." 14 April 2009. <http://www.moseshand.com/studies/destiny.htm>
Irish Heritage DNA Project. "Who was Niall of the Nine Hostages?" 23 April 2007. 11 December 2007. <http://homepage.eircom.net/~ihdp/ihdp/focus-niall.htm>
MacKillop, James. Celtic Mythology: A Dictionary. Oxford University Press. 2004.
Wikipedia. "Fíacha Sroiptine." 13 April 2009. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fíacha_Sroiptine>
Wikipedia. "Kings of Connacht." 13 April 2009. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kings_of_Connacht>
Wikipedia. "Niall of the Nine Hostages." 13 April 2009. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niall_Noigiallach>
Wikipedia. "Uí Fiachrach." 9 July 2007. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U%C3%AD_Fiachrach>